How to keep yourself moving forward positively in life #2113

Positivity by anjanaregmi

How to keep yourself moving forward positively in Life? - Anjana Regmi

A lot of people ask me how do I stay positive and happy most of the time in my life and what is the secret of my positive outlook. 

Have you paid attention to what’s your outlook about your life and do you engage in self-reflection exercises?

My positivity begins with positive affirmations.

Positivity - anjanaregmi

I have many tools in my toolbox that I can use to keep myself heading toward my goals. The ones I use most often are my action plan, success strategy, affirmations, self-reflection, and time management.

My action plan and success strategy sets me up for successful completion of my work. I take the time to divide my goals into small steps that I know will get me to my destination. 

In my plan, each task that I complete brings me one step closer towards the achievement of my goals.

Part of my strategy that keeps me motivated is that I celebrate every success, no matter how small. Every time I complete a task in my action plan, I reward myself. I allow myself to feel good about it and I look forward to completing the next task to continue my success.

Positive affirmations help keep me focused on my goals and banish thoughts of self-doubt. I repeat affirmations to myself at least twice each day and again each time I need to boost my confidence.                    

Self-reflection also helps me move forward. When I reflect, I visualise living my dreams as if it’s happening in the present. I experience it with all my senses and feel the wonderful emotions of being there. It motivates me to make my dreams a priority.

Lastly, my time management skills bring everything together. I consciously put time in my schedule for making my action plan, working on my tasks every day, and reflecting about myself. Everything works together seamlessly with good time management!

Today, I plan to use my time effectively to keep myself moving forward toward my goal, allowing time for goal planning, completing action steps, and self-reflection.


  1. Have I taken the time to create my plan to action steps?
  2. Do I do something to work towards my goal(s) every day?
  3. What motivates me to do what is necessary to achieve my dreams?
Positivity - anjanaregmi

Positive Affirmations To Inspire You

  1. I have the power to create the life I desire.
  2. I am unique and own kind of perfect.
  3. I am smart.
  4. I am worthy of genuine love.
  5. I deserve to be wealthy.
  6. It doesn’t matter if I didn’t do everything perfectly. I am learning.
  7. I have the power to make tomorrow a better day.
  8. I am feeding my strength with sleep. Tomorrow I can grow further.
  9. I believe in my strengths and determination.
  10. No matter what comes my way, I can do it.
Positivity - anjanaregmi
  1. I face challenge with acceptance and commitment to remain fearless.
  2. I can easily create a life I love.
  3. I make positive choices for myself
  4. As I change my thoughts, the world around me changes.
  5. I can do and I will do it.
  6. I know gaps in my knowledge is my opportunity to get excited to learn new things.
  7. I am at ease with having lots and lots of wealth.
  8. I replace my anger with understanding and compassion.
  9. Good things happen because I know they will.
  10. Prosperity flows to and through me.
Positivity - anjanaregmi
  1. I welcome an abundance mindset.
  2. I have everything I need to face and overcome my obstacles.
  3. I continuously enhance all areas of my life.
  4. I am a magnet for great things in life.
  5. I’m best friends with growth and success.
  6. I don’t worry about the things I can’t control.
  7. I know I am no better than anyone else. We are all on the same path.
  8. I trust myself to make the best decision and choices in life.
  9. Today I am going to be amazing.
  10. I am strong, independent, intelligent, and capable.

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30 days positive affirmations anjana regmi
30 days positive affirmations anjana regmi

By destroying the power negative thoughts have over you, you are giving yourself the power to find the peace that you long for.

Affirmations work because the statements have power words. They’re positive statements that activate your mind to accomplish great things.

Read more: How to find peace in your life

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